Why Should Anyone Buy from You?

“The relationship between what a business does and says in winning trust is complex – if you want to understand it better then read this book.”
Rory Sutherland, Chairman, Ogilivy

Learn how to build trust in your business.

Trust is the most important element in a strong profitable relationship with customers.
Based on in-depth research into trust, in business and brands and between people; the psychology of trust and practical examples of what builds trust. Combined with interviews with business leaders and case studies from many brands this book is the best guide to harnessing trust in your business.

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Not all trust is the same.

Ever wondered why in the 2007-2008 global financial crisis banks were derided and in collapse, even falling to the point of “runs” on the bank, and yet we all left our money in them? On the one hand consumers “hated” the banks, and certainly didn’t trust them. And yet they still trusted that if they put a card into an ATM money would come out the other side. Why Should Anyone Buy from You explains why these seemingly paradoxical positions can exist at the same time.

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Brand case studies, Business leader interviews

Case studies on trust in the following brands: First Direct, RBS / Natwest, Capital One, Patagonia, Cadburys, Ryanair, Pepsico, Virgin, BP, GE, Marks & Spencer. 

Interviews with the following business leaders: Srini Gopalan, Director of Vodafone’s Consumer Business in the UK; Cilla Snowball, AMVBBDO; Rory Sutherland, Vice-Chairman Ogilvy; Marek Kohn, Philosopher; Nigel Gilbert, CMO, Virgin Media; Mike Hughes, Director General, Incorporated Society of British Advertisers; Farah Ramzan Golant, AMVBBDO; Tom Farrand, The Pipeline Project; Robin Wight, Chairman, The Engine Group.

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Why you should buy this book?

Trust is vital to our society and our economy. This book shows you how to build it and harness it in your business today.

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 “A must-read for anyone wanting to build a trusted brand.”
Farah Ramzan Golant, Chairman,
Abbott Mead Vickers