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Winner Financial Services Forum Marketer of the Year 2008

I was delighted to receive the Marketer of the Year Award 2008 at the The Financial Services Forum Awards for Marketing Effectiveness at the dinner last week. As I said in my acceptance speech the award was as much a recognition of my team and journey of brand repositioning and marketing effectiveness that we went through at Capital One. 

The award was voted for by the judging panel and members of the Financial Services Forum and they were kind enough to say the following: 

"Justin sits on the leadership team of Capital One in Europe and runs all marketing and brand strategy and execution. Capital One has become one of the leading financial services brands in the UK. By developing segmentation strategies, consumer insights and responding to customer behaviour, Capital One has become:

• the #4 internet marketer in the UK

• #1 above the line credit card advertiser

• and continues to be the #1 acquirer of new credit card customers in the UK.

Justin has sought to align the brand with the strategic direction of the business, building a leading brand marketing capability and driving customer focus though the business.Highlights include:

• Hiring a team of exceptional marketing talent

• Continuing to challenge the market and innovate for the good of the consumer - such as offering customers a free and unique early warning against Identity Theft

• Driving efficiency into the outbound marketing model via digital marketing strategies and sophisticated evaluation techniques

• Delivering significant value to the business in acquiring customers at historically competitive cost by driving commerciality throughout the business

• Recognising that as a major marketer in the UK Capital One has a responsibility to lead, specifically in environmental marketing. It has reduced its carbon footprint by 50%, reduced its outbound mail volumes, moved to 100% recycled paper, and adopted the PAS2020 environmental standard. Justin has personally championed this cause and led the debate through various industry forums."

Financial Services Forum award winners 2008 including Justin Basini as Marketer of the Year 2008